Murder Mysteries

  • A Mummified Murder

    Intro: “Text.”
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  • A Wolf Among Us: A German Village Mystery

    Intro: "The nights are dark, the weather dreary, and the woods about the small German village are said to be haunted with fairies and monsters. Though many believe such legends, they did not expect thea to come to fruition on their own doorstep. When flocks are killed and torn to pieces, many suspect it to be a wolf. But when they meet together to discuss how to get rid of a wolf, one of their own members enters the gathering, sliced apart, claiming it was a werewolf before dying from his wounds. There 1s a dark figure at work in the village and it is up to the villagers to discover this werewolf before sun sets and they are all in peril. Or, perhaps, there is more to this story than meets the eye. It takes a village to destroy a werewolf...or catch a criminal pretending to be one."
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  • Chivalry Is Dead

    Intro: ‘Text."
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  • Dead Man’s Gulch

    Intro: “Text.”
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  • Friends, Romans, And Murder

    Intro: "Text.”
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  • Haunted Manor: Murder at the Haunted Manor

    Intro: “It is a dark and stormy night at the old Penwagon Manor. Sir Walter Penwagon, our host, is making final preparations for his guests to arrive, but there's something strange about tonight. Something sinister permeates the very air of the manor and as guests arrive they realize nobody is leaving alive until the murderer is revealed. Set in an upstate New York manor in the 1970s, a murdered bride's curse has trapped the living and the dead inside and unless the guilty party is found there will be hell to pay."
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  • Jungle Expedition: Jungle Cruise of Doom

    Intro: "A lost river with cannibals. An ancient artifact with mind controlling powers. An albino hippopotamus. This Jungle Oruise was never meant for tourists. Set in the Congo in 1933, aboard the HS Jungle Queen, a retired naval captain leads an expedition with the most devious minded passengers to travel the dangerous river in search of the ancient artifact. A murder is inevitable, but which one of them did it?”
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  • Lights, Camera, Murder

    Intro: "Text."
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  • Murder Ahead

    Intro: “Text.”
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  • Regency

    Intro: “Text.”
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  • Tommy Gunned Down: Murder at the Coco Bongo Club

    Intro: “Tne yeas 1s 1923, and on this rainy night you've been invited as a guest to attend a secret party in a back alley speakeasy: The Coco Bongo Lounge. The reason for this party is a mystery, but you can’t afford not to attend as your absence would put you on the hit list of the notorious Chicago Crime Boss, Danny “The Devil” De’Marco. Could this have something to do with the recent murder of De’Marco’s brother? You and your fellow guests will have to navigate this party carefully or risk being sent to ‘sleep with the fishes’.”
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